Thursday, July 23, 2009

All About Feet

I seem to wear out running shoes quickly. The rule of thumb seems to be that you need new shoes every 300 or so miles, depending on how and where you run, your weight and size, and your sign of the zodiac. I'm not sure why, (maybe because I'm a Pisces) but about every 200 miles I need new shoes. I can usually tell this because my knees start to ache. I check my log and sure enough, it's been about 200 miles. Before you get too excited about all the mileage that I'm doing, realize that I only need shoes about twice a year. My new Saucony Hurricanes came in this week and that got me thinking about feet.

When I was born I had no arches and I had to wear corrective shoes until I was about ten years old. I was also told to walk on my toes when not wearing the shoes to help put an arch in my feet. This led to some teasing... One boy in second grade told me that my corrective shoes (saddle oxfords, I'm afraid) looked like Dolly Parton's first sweater. Every once and awhile my husband and I try to figure out what that means, but we're stumped. I'm pretty sure it was NOT a compliment. In high school my bounding gait during track practice led to my nickname: Hoppy, short for Hop Along Cassidy. Last year when I read Chi Running by Danny Dryer ( I realized that I naturally strike the ground midfoot/ forefoot first. So, thanks Mom for all the years of corrective shoes.

Just for kicks, I pulled the insoles out of my old shoes and compared them with the insoles from my new shoes. Same type of shoe, so it's a fair comparison. I could not believe how cushy the new insole felt compared to the old one! I must stomp the you-know-what out of the ground whenever I run!

Last week I wrote about testing out my racing shoes with no socks and I was so pleased that I was able to run sock-less with no blisters. Well, today I opened up the cabinet where I keep all my running/ biking stuff and was quickly reminded of another advantage of socks. They keep the STINK of your feet out of your shoes! Needless to say, the cabinet needs some airing out.

I did have a pretty good run today in my new shoes. I have been doing lots of "speed work" to get ready for my race next weekend. I'll keep you posted...

P.S. Speaking of Feet: I am LOVING the 4 Feet Running podcast with Nik and Dan. (

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